Enrolling your son in Green Tech High Charter School's Virtual Schooling allows your family to stay safe all while providing him with the community, education, and success that Green Tech is known for.
No matter what happens, you will know that your family is safe and that your son's schooling will stay consistent as our nation passes through and past this crisis.
Enrolling in virtual schooling is easy. If your son is already enrolled, simply send an email to requesting that he be placed in virtual schooling. If he is not yet enrolled, you can fill out our easy online enrollment form and send an email to the front desk right after.
If you are already a part of the Green Tech Community, be sure to attend one of our Orientations.
If you are considering Green Tech and have lingering questions, be sure to attend one of our virtual Meet & Greets. We'd love to have you and answer the questions that are most relevant to your family.
If you prefer a one-to-one phone call or email, simply click here, and Ms. Slaughter, our Recruitment and Enrollment Coordinator will get in touch with you directly.