Budget Narrative
LEA: Green Tech Charter High School
For Title: ESSER 3 (ARP)
Bedscode: 010100860907
** Must be submitted while each budget in the consolidated application. **
If using Transferability, please indicate on the Budget Narrative and FS-10 the amount of funds to be included under transferability in the budget categories where funds will be used. Example: In the Title HA budget under Code 15 – Transferability – Title I Reading Teacher – FTE.35 - $15,000.
Code/Budget Category
(as it relates to the program narrative for this title)
Post Pandemic Counselor 21-22
Post Pandemic Counselor 22-23
Post Pandemic Counselor 23-24
RTI Teacher 21-22
RTI Teacher 22-23
RTI Teacher 23-24
Code 15
Professional Salaries
Code 16
Support Staff Services
Code 40
Purchased Services
New Bleachers – Spacing available for assemblies
E-Sports Stem Lab (Software support)
Lenova Charging Stations
School Assessment to Establish Learning Loss
E- Sports Gaming Lab
Additional Chromebooks
Science Lab Upgrades
Code 45
Supplies and Materials
Code 46
Travel Expenses
Code 80
Employee Benefits
Code 9
Indirect Cost
Code 49
BOCES Services
Code 30
Minor Remodeling
Code 20